【충북 브레이크뉴스】임창용 기자=충북대학교(총장 고창섭)가 특성화 지방대학 지정으로 인재 양성-취·창업-지역 정주에 이르는 선순환 발전 생태계 구축에 앞장선다.
지난 11월 글로컬대학30 사업에 선정된 충북대는 교육부 지정 ‘특성화 지방대학’에 선정됐다. 이는 「지방대학 및 지역균형인재육성에 관한 법률」제17조 및 같은 법 시행령 제11조에 따라 지역특화산업에 필요한 전문인력을 양성하는 특성화 지방대학으로 지정된 것이다.
이에 충북대는 특성화 지방대학 지정기간인 오는 2028년 2월까지 글로컬대학 예산지원, 규제개선 추진, 범부처 및 지자체 투자 유도 등 교육부의 전방위적 지원을 받는다.
특히, 충북대는 글로컬대학 사업계획서를 통해 한국교통대와의 통합을 기반으로 미래지향적으로 지역주력산업분야를 특성화한 대학 모델을 제시하고, 특히 BBCM 분야(Bio, Battery, semiConductor, Mobility) 특성화 밸리를 조성하여 지역주력산업 고도화를 적극 지원할 계획임을 밝힌 바 있다. 이번 특성화 지방대학 지정으로 이 계획이 더욱 구체화되고 현실적으로 기능할 수 있을 것으로 보인다.
고창섭 총장은 “충북 유일의 거점국립대학이자 종합대학인 충북대는 기초에서 응용까지 아우르는 학문 기반을 갖고 있는 바 특성화 지방대학 지정을 통해 대학의 혁신 기반을 더욱 견고히 해 충청 지역 혁신 성장의 허브로 지역산업 선도 기술 개발을 지원하고 인재 양성-취·창업-지역 정주에 이르는 선순환 발전 생태계를 구축하도록 최선을 다하겠다”고 말했다.
The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.)
Chungbuk National University selected as a ‘specialized local university’ by the Ministry of Education
Nurture local residential talent and lead the establishment of a virtuous cycle development ecosystem
-im changyong reporter
Chungbuk National University (President Go Chang-seop) is taking the lead in establishing a virtuous cycle of development ecosystem that includes talent training, employment and entrepreneurship, and local settlement by being designated as a specialized local university.
Chungbuk National University, which was selected for the Glocal University 30 project last November, was selected as a ‘specialized local university’ designated by the Ministry of Education. It has been designated as a specialized local university that trains professional manpower needed for regional specialized industries in accordance with Article 17 of the Act on Local Universities and Balanced Regional Talent Development and Article 11 of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act.
Accordingly, Chungbuk National University will receive all-round support from the Ministry of Education, including budget support for glocal universities, promotion of regulatory improvement, and inducement of investment from all ministries and local governments until February 2028, the designated period for specialized local universities.
In particular, Chungbuk National University, through its glocal university business plan, presents a university model that specializes in regional key industries in a future-oriented manner based on integration with Korea National University of Transportation, and in particular, establishes a valley specializing in the BBCM field (Bio, Battery, semiConductor, Mobility). It has been announced that it plans to actively support the advancement of regional key industries by creating a With this designation as a specialized local university, this plan is expected to become more concrete and function more realistically.
President Ko Chang-seop said, “Chungbuk National University, the only base national university and comprehensive university in Chungcheongbuk-do, has an academic foundation that covers everything from basics to application. By designating it as a specialized local university, the university’s innovation foundation has been further solidified, making it a hub for innovation and growth in the Chungcheong region and local industry. “We will do our best to support the development of leading technologies and build a virtuous cycle of development ecosystem that includes talent training, employment and start-ups, and local settlement,” he said.